Protection Relays and Controls

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Protection Relays and Controls Overview

The Industrial division of Littelfuse delivers vital products to address customer needs for protection, safe control and distribution of electrical power in industrial applications.

The Protection Relay and Control product portfolio includes a comprehensive line motor and pump protection relays, arc-flash relays, ground fault relays, feeder protection, pump controllers, time delay relays, flashers and tower lighting, and more to minimize electrical safety hazards, limit equipment damage, improve productivity, and safeguard personnel from injury due to electrical faults.

Professionals in construction, manufacturing, mining, oil & gas, solar, and many more industries rely on Littelfuse for rugged, lasting protection for their designs and critical applications.


Ground faults, also referred to as earth faults, represent the vast majority of electrical faults experienced in most industrial facilities. Ground faults are caused by unintentional contact between an energized phase conductor and ground or equipment frame. The return path of the fault current is through the grounding system and any personnel or equipment that becomes part of that system. Ground faults are frequently the result of insulation breakdown, but can also be caused by other forms of cable damage or human error. It is important to note that damp, wet, and dusty environments require extra diligence in design and maintenance. Since water is conductive, it exposes degradation of insulation and increases the potential for electrical hazards to develop. In fact, studies have indicated that ground faults make up more than 95% of the recorded electrical faults, such as arc flash incidents.





阻力接地solves the problems commonly associated with both ungrounded systems and solidly grounded systems. Resistance grounding protects a system against transient overvoltages caused by arcing ground faults and it provides a method to locate ground faults. The name is derived from the addition of a resistor between the system neutral and ground, also called neutral grounding resistor or NGR. The specifications of the resistor are user determined to achieve a desired ground-fault current, which must be greater than the system capacitive charging current. For systems 2.4 kV and higher, low-resistance grounding systems can be used. Typically in those systems the ground-fault current is 25 A or above and is cleared within 10 s.

Resistance grounding eliminates excessive ground-fault damage and single phase Arc-Flash Hazards associated with solidly grounded systems by reducing the ground-fault current to 5 A. Per IEEE Standard 141-1993, Arc-flash hazards are eliminated if the ground-fault current is reduced to 5 A or less.

适当尺寸的电阻接地系统解决了未接地系统的两个问题 - 经常电压和难以定位地面故障。电阻接地系统消除了瞬态过电压,单相弧形闪烁危险,并提供了定位地面故障的能力。由于电故障和设备损坏,这些功能减少了计划外的关闭。NGR的阻力接地系统包括转换或设计电阻接地系统的所有必要组件。可以在馈线上安装其他接地接力,以提供选择性的协调以及定位地面故障的能力。



补充监视器是单功能设备,仅查看一个异常状况并警报或提供删除电力的手段。视觉指示也可以使用。监视器的目的是为专用问题提供有效的解决方案。监视器与现有保护(例如保险丝,断路器或保护继电器)一起使用,以通过监视其组件来增强电气系统的安全性和性能。Littelfuse NGR监视器设计用于应用特定功能,例如绝缘监测,地面连续性和电阻器监测。


绝缘监测解决了电气系统故障的最常见原因 - 绝缘崩溃。可以在系统中的任何时刻安装绝缘监视器,以检测绝缘材料的问题。监视器连接到一个相,并注入直流信号,以连续测量系统的绝缘电阻。监视器通常安装在脱发的馈线或电动机上,并用馈线的断路器或电动机启动器循环。当断路器打开时,监视器会通电,并开始监视发电的电缆和电动机绕组。在未接地的系统中,监视器将连续监测对地面的绝缘抗性,无论该系统是否已通电或发电。

Resistor monitoring are designed to detect a failure in the neutral to ground path, which can lead to electrical hazards electrical hazards. Some examples of failure are stolen wires, loose connections, corrosion and broken resistor elements. The resistor monitor continuously monitors the path from system neutral to ground for a problem. When a problem occurs, the NGR monitor provides an alarm.





好的:通过监视进入电动机的电压来提供基本的保护水平。如果没有保护,情况有故障会导致电动机绕组过热并燃烧电动机绝缘材料 - 导致过早电动机故障。Littelfuse Motorsaver模型460和201A-AU防止电压,相位损耗,反相,不平衡电压和快速循环。

Better:除了良好级别的所有电压/相位保护外,您还可能希望监视负载侧,日志事件并实时查看显示屏上的条件 - 非常适合故障排除。Littelfuse MotorSaver 455添加了第二组电压输入,以监视电动机接触器负载侧的波动,以检测接触失败,保留历史记录和过去的20个故障,并且使用Informer-MS可以无线查看故障代码和真实的观看- 每个阶段的时间电压,电压不平衡等等。

最好:这些增强的过载继电器将良好和更好产品的所有电压/相位保护功能组合到具有车载显示和可选通信的超载继电器中。Littelfuse Motorsaver 777提供了负载保护,以防止电动机运行卸载,易于编程和实时电压,当前读数和故障代码。

惊人的:什么比最好的更好?Littelfuse具有更先进的电动机保护继电器,可在采矿和石油和天然气等关键应用中提供昂贵的电动机的绝佳保护。Littelfuse MPS和MPU-32型号为三相低压中型马力感应电动机提供了保护,计量和数据存放功能。



馈线保护继电器可保护进料电路免受过度电流,地面断层(地球断层),相位丢失或其他有害的条件,在关键应用和过程中。馈线保护继电器为预测和预防性维护提供了必不可少的数据 - 延长设备的寿命,提高安全性并最大化效率。Littelfuse馈线保护继电器具有降低的全面功能,可以在通电设备附近维护过程中减少电弧闪光危险,从而使系统更安全。



Arc Flash Protection

当电流流过通常是绝缘介质时,电弧和电弧闪光是不受控制的,强烈的电能放电。电弧断层的最常见原因是绝缘故障。这些故障可能是由缺陷或老化的绝缘材料,较差或不正确的维护,灰尘,水分,害虫和人为错误引起的(将测试探针接触到错误的表面或工具滑动和接触的活导体)。弧闪式事件对人员来说是危险的,可能是致命的。根据OSHA的说法,工业弧形泛滥事件在合格的电气工人中造成了约80%的电气相关事故和死亡。即使避免人员受伤,ARC Flash也会破坏设备,从而导致昂贵的更换和停机时间。

电弧和电弧闪光是不受控制的,强烈的电能放电……导致昂贵的替代和停机时间。Littelfuse Arc-Flash继电器可帮助您提高安全性并减少弧光闪光时的设备停机时间。我们的继电器使用可靠的光检测来检测即将来临的电弧闪光灯,并以小于1 ms的速度向断路器发送旅行信号,以中断伤害。他们简单的插件安装使它们成为降低设备事件能源(HRC)的完美,具有成本效益的解决方案。

在此处查看可用的型号[link to arc flash page] or for additional technical resources including videos, whitepapers, FAQs, guideform specs, arc flash energy reduction calculator, and more go


The Littelfuse SSAC Flashers include solid-state and relay output controls with fixed and adjustable flash rates. They are used to control inductive, incandescent, or resistive loads in a variety of applications. The Littelfuse SSAC Beacon Flashers and Lamp Monitors have proven their reliability through years of use on communication towers, smake stacks, cooling towers, tall buildings, bridges, and utility towers. The Lamp Monitors provide remote monitoring of lamps in these tower and obstruction lighting applications.有关更多信息和特定于产品的数据,请单击此处.


Pumps are often exposed to hazardous conditions and situations that can cause severe damage to the pump. Littelfuse PumpSaver® products will protect and disable a pump in these situations. PumpSaver® products offer a wide variety of controls for both single phase and three phase applications. Among these control options are, intrinsically safe and alternating relays, pump controllers, liquid level controls and seal leak detectors, and power monitors which are all excellent choices for your pump protection needs.


许多泵送应用需要高级功率监控和控制。Littelfuse Pumpsaver增强功率监视器提供了所有保护和功能,并具有增强的过载继电器,并专门设计用于支持低马力和/或低速电动机应用。这个增强功率监视器的家族为任何类型的电动机或泵提供了最佳保护。请参阅此处可用的型号[链接到泵保护页]

Intrinsically Safe Relays




Pump Controller Relays

多泵应用通常需要平衡的运行时间和冗余。Littelfuse Symcom提供旨在处理多个泵应用的泵控制器(既有内在安全和非IS)。请参阅此处可用的模型[链接到泵控制器页面]。





补充监视器是单功能设备,仅查看一个异常状况并警报或提供删除电力的手段。视觉指示也可以使用。监视器的目的是为专用问题提供有效的解决方案。监视器与现有保护(例如保险丝,断路器或保护继电器)一起使用,以通过监视其组件来增强电气系统的安全性和性能。Littelfuse Powr-Gard监视器设计用于应用特定功能,例如绝缘监测,地面连续性和电阻器监测。


绝缘监测解决了电气系统故障的最常见原因 - 绝缘崩溃。可以在系统中的任何时刻安装绝缘监视器,以检测绝缘材料的问题。监视器连接到一个相,并注入直流信号,以连续测量系统的绝缘电阻。监视器通常安装在脱发的馈线或电动机上,并用馈线的断路器或电动机启动器循环。当断路器打开时,监视器会通电,并开始监视发电的电缆和电动机绕组。在未接地的系统中,监视器将连续监测对地面的绝缘抗性,无论该系统是否已通电或发电。

Resistor monitoring are designed to detect a failure in the neutral to ground path, which can lead to electrical hazards electrical hazards. Some examples of failure are stolen wires, loose connections, corrosion and broken resistor elements. The resistor monitor continuously monitors the path from system neutral to ground for a problem. When a problem occurs, the NGR monitor provides an alarm.

The Littelfuse POWR-GARD supplemental monitor line includes the PGM-8134 Ground Continuity Monitor, PGM-8325 Neutral Grounding Monitor and PGR-8600 Insulation Monitor. Littelfuse POWR-GARD also offers a variety of required and optional accessories such as the PGC Series Current Transformers, PGE Series Sensing Resistors and PGB Series Remote Indication Assemblies, Terminations and Adapters.




Littelfuse SSAC多功能时间延迟继电器可让您选择在功能和时间延迟范围之间进行选择,以确保您获得满足需求的理想计时器。只需在设备表面上选择您想要的功能和时间范围即可。


Littelfuse SSAC机电输出时间延迟继电器具有许多不同的功能,包括:延迟到期,延迟,断裂,单射击,间隔和回收。我们所有的中继输出时间延迟中继可确保输入和输出之间的隔离,以及在输出触点之间没有电压下降。

The Littelfuse SSAC solid state time delay relays benefit from featuring no moving parts to arc and wear out over time, giving them a lifespan of up to 100x that of a relay-output timer. In addition, all of our solid state time delay relays are fully encapsulated to protect against shock, vibration, humidity, etc.



Delay on Break

延迟制造/Delay on Break










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pdficon 保护继电器目录 - 时间延迟继电器

pdficon 保护继电器目录 - 配件

pdficon 保护继电器目录 - 附录维度图

pdficon 保护继电器和控制目录- Mandarin

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pdf icon 通过高电阻接地改善钻机可靠性 - 案例研究

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pdf icon 智能中继创建安全性和效率繁荣 - 案例研究

pdf icon Littelfuse继电器钻回家用于液压压裂的安全解决方案 - 案例研究

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Creating a safe work environment and reducing accidents are critical to any industrial facility. Electrical incidents damage equipment and create downtime, but even worse, injure and kill people.

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电池储能系统(BESSs) Demand a Comprehensive Circuit Protection Strategy.

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Resistance grounding prevents many of the problems that are associated with ungrounded and solidly grounded electrical distribution and utilization systems.

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